Gare la plus proche : Schirmeck - La Broque

The Association sportive Haute Bruche organizes its annual dinner dance, with entertainment by the group Weekend et Sandra. Paëlla (prepared on site with or without seafood), dessert, coffee and a complimentary glass of sangria for all reservations made before January 26. There's something for everyone, and an alternative menu will be available for those who don't eat paella! View map
Informations pratiques
Public concerné
Adults (individuals) Couple Families
Catering for groups
28€ ou 15€ pour les 9-15 ans
Réservation obligatoire. Renseignements : 06 79 88 44 06 ou 06 52 92 58 73
Lieu de départ : Salle des fêtes à Schirmeck