The wealth of the Bruche valley can be counted in a multitude of small simple and touching heritage left by men throughout its history: major sites of memory, religious buildings, architectural testimonies, industrial remains, popular and contemporary art.
If the Bruche valley is Alsatian at heart, It is Vosges at heart, it makes all the difference... the promise of a real change of scenery.
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The hamlets of Fonrupt and StampoumontThe small villages of Stampoumont and Fonrupt offer some of the finest examples of rural architecture in the Vosges.The Alsace-Moselle MemorialThe people of Alsace and Moselle changed nationality 4 times between 1871 and 1945.German military cemetery from La BroqueGerman military cemetery (636 graves) and two ossuaries (1 297 soldiers).The stained-glass window of the Chapel in ChampenayChampenay, an unincorporated hamlet in the town of Plaine, is home to this work commissioned by the Plaine town hall and created by Lothar Quinte and Sibylle Wagner.Former concentration camp Natzweiler StruthofTravaux de restauration en cours: fermeture des baroque crématoire et cellulaireWindbreakerThis piece is a wind break made of larch wood slats mounted on a metallic support.Work of art: Le champ du Feu by Daniel PontoreauPublic commission through the CEAAC (European Centre for Modern Art Action).Military cimetry (1939-1945)Military cemetery: 3 tombs of English pilots who died on February 26th 1944.National necropolis from DononAt the Donon, visitors will find the national necropolis, which includes two ossuaries: one for the chasseurs à pied battalions (110 soldiers) the other for the infantry and engineers' regiment (71...L'église et ses fresques"The ground floor of the Roman bell tower with twin bays was the choir of the medieval Saint-Jean-Baptiste Church.French military cemetery (1914-18)French military cemetery comprising an ossuary containing 26 unknown French soldiers belonging to the infantry regiments and to a battalion of chasseurs à pied, in addition to 13 identified graves.The Saint-Vincent ChurchLocated in the heart of the village of Ranrupt This imposing building of unusually large dimensions was reconstructed in 1840 under the direction of the Parish Priest Elophe Victor Guilgot at a time...