A stone's throw from Strasbourg, not far from Mont Ste Odile, the Bruche valley is an Eldorado for lovers of outdoor activities. Tease the trout, get on the bike, work out on a mountain bike or enjoy the landscape with a horseback ride...
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Escalade au rocher-écoleClimbing routes at the rock school. Take the road to Donon CD392, above the R. Casner stadiumThe castle of the counts of SalmThe Château de Salm is located in an exceptional stretch of forest in the Vosges sandstone mountains of the Bruche Valley.Permanent orienteering: Serva sectorPour ceux qui aiment les vrai challenges : testez ces jeux de piste grandeur nature en pleine forêt , ouvrez les yeux, observer, trouvez les balises...Association des Ânes du Grand SpiessDiscover our animals: 11 donkeys, 1 Vietnamese pig, 2 billy goats, 2 rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese. - Visits of the asinery and walks with our donkeys in an arranged course, - Birthday parties.Etang du col de SteigeThe Col de Steige lake is in a prime location at the crossroads. Basking in the sunshine and surrounded by meadows. Picnic area. No swimming.Permanent introductory orienteering course: Princess Emma sectorPour ceux qui aiment les vrai challenges : testez ces jeux de piste grandeur nature en pleine forêt , ouvrez les yeux, observer, trouvez les balises...Fishing ponds Etangs d'UrmattTwo lakes managed by the Urmatt fishing lakes association. Enjoy a relaxing day’s angling by the lake!PumptrackLa plus grande piste de Pumptrack en extérieur de France, adaptés à tous et pour tous les niveaux : trottinette, skateboard, VTT et rollers .