Vallée de la Bruche
Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France

Sustainable development & CSR


“Traveling without meeting the other is not traveling, it is moving.” Alexandra David-Neel 

It is in the exchange, the sharing, the meeting that the true value of travel lies...

The office team works to unite tourism stakeholders and residents of the Bruche Valley around the pride of being there or belonging there and to embody its slogan " Welcoming is in our nature ». 

The area tourism is, it cannot be denied, the origin of 11% of France's global greenhouse gas emissions, for 7,4% of GDP. Source: ADEME  

In this context, developing responsible tourism has become a key issue. Aware of its social responsibility, the desire of the Bruche Valley Tourist Office to take part in a paradigm shift has found its expression in the tourism strategy 2018-2028It sets the course to aim for by 2028.  

First in Alsace to commit to the process Quality Tourism (Destination of Excellence since May 2024), the Bruche Valley tourist office was also the first to join the network of Sustainable Tourism PlayersThis, as a logical continuation of its commitment to tourism which: monitors its impact, questions its governance for an efficient and quality public service, and develops a tourist economy whose resources and investments also benefit residents.  



The tourist office team is mobilized around 4 key values. They define who we are, guide our choices, inspire, mobilize and give meaning to our actions. 

  • Share : Being attentive, open to meeting, including and helping each other, internally, with our customers and suppliers.  
  • Excellence : Live the passion of our professions with generosity to aim for excellence for the benefit of our ecosystem. 
  • Agility : Being creative, being able to renew oneself, to anticipate and to change perspective. 
  • Liability : Develop tourism that optimizes its resources, limits its impacts and also benefits residents. 

The pillars of our CSR approach

  • Making our guests' vacations an exceptional moment, through the quality of our hospitality, expert advice, and the invitation to seize the moment while limiting its impact. 
  • Share this ambition with our service providers by encouraging them to be players in the preservation of the spaces and environments that make us rich.
  • Involve each resident in this process, to make them an ambassador for the destination, and the beneficiary of the tourist activity through the economic but also human benefits, linked to the richness of the encounter...

CSR policy and social commitments

Find below our CSR policy, where our details are given 32 goals, distributed around the four strategic axes of our tourism visionThese objectives are structured around two major orientations: 

  • internally, to consolidate the appropriation of the CSR commitments of the tourist office.  
  • Throughout the territory, to develop more humane, more responsible tourism, of which each service provider/resident is the guarantor and beneficiary.  


  • Favor the least impactful modes of transport during business trips

Throughout the territory

  • Raising awareness among stakeholders in our ecosystem about the use of soft modes of transport
  • Developing offers adapted to the ecological transition
  • Optimizing the organization of the destination in the face of climate change
  • Supporting service providers in adapting their offers


  • Limit waste production, repair, reuse, re-employ

  • Implement a responsible digital strategy, particularly in document management and the storage space used

  • Adapt communication media to the target audience and the sustainability of the information

  • Ensuring the sobriety of our activities

Throughout the territory

  • Share with local partners the challenges of preserving biodiversity

  • Raise awareness with discernment about the diversity and quality of natural environments

  • Adapt communication to the fragility of places and their capacity to support attendance


  • Avoid any form of discrimination

  • Promoting well-being and quality of life at work, ensuring the health and safety of our employees

  • Beyond customer satisfaction, also ensure the well-being of visitors

  • Ensure that employees properly adopt the tourist office's CSR policy

  • Develop and enhance individual potential by promoting the skills development of employees and their employability

Throughout the territory

  • Welcoming all audiences by offering adapted customer journeys

  • Transmit CSR principles to the tourist office ecosystem in an educational manner

  • Listening to and serving the 4 main partners of the tourist office: residents, elected officials, socio-professionals, tourists

  • Taking as much care of our suppliers as our customers


  • Be on the lookout for trends and assess their transpositions to the territory
  • Ensure understanding of objectives/instructions and stimulate initiative and creativity
  • Ensure transparency of decisions and flow of information
  • Sharing processes with the guiding principle: simplification
  • Question and assess needs, then purchase in reasonable quantities, quality, repairable, eco-responsible and, if possible, local products.
  • Engage in a circular economy approach, source products and services

Throughout the territory

  • Cultivating agility and inventing the governance and economic model capable of providing the best public tourism service
  • Support the local economy
  • Contribute to economic and social development and training
  • Participate in collective territorial projects and take our social responsibility
  • Involve our local ecosystem (elected officials, residents, socio-professionals) in welcoming our visitors

Sustainable development and strategy

Initiated at the end of the 80s, the tourism development policy jointly led by elected officials and professionals in the Bruche Valley has resulted in public and private achievements to enhance the tourist offering, develop new services, create entertainment and events, etc.

In 2018, an assessment and reflection on the tourist positioning of the Bruche Valley "destination" were required. In a tourism market that is facing profound changes linked to changes in tourist consumption patterns, the explosion of the internet, its corollary artificial intelligence, the rise of social networks and finally the impacts of climate change, it is appropriate to question the efficiency of public action.

Our tourism strategy established in 2018 with a horizon of 2028, has enabled:

  • To objectively analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the destination,
  • To redefine the role of stakeholders: public and private,
  • To mobilize public and private actors around a common ambition,
  • To establish a strategic action plan to strengthen the attractiveness of the Bruche valley.

The resulting strategy is built around 4 axes which give priority to sustainability:

Illustration environment - social - economy

AXIS 1 : spatiality & mobility – In 2028, the Bruche valley without my car

AXIS 2 : strength & uniqueness – Cultivate our difference and value what makes us unique

AXIS 3 : pride, attractiveness & innovation – A brand claimed by all, a source of pride

AXIS 4 : the tourist office of tomorrow – Give us the means to achieve our ambition and invent the tourist office of tomorrow

The tourist office ecosystem

The Tourist Office is located at the heart of a living ecosystem, a network where each player, whether visitors, residents, elected officials or tourism professionals, plays an essential role.  

“Customers” (tourists, excursionists, etc.), residents (individuals or local associations, etc.), elected officials (mayors, councilors, etc.), socio-professionals (tourism professionals, etc.). Each of these actors is not just a customer, a supplier or a partner: they are all of these at the same time.  This is why the actions carried out at the Tourist Office are designed to meet the expectations of each of these stakeholders, in order to harmonize our approach and maximize the collective impact.  

Our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is based on this principle: clarifying and sharing our objectives so that they are understood and supported by everyone. 

  • Internally, this means setting clear guidelines for our team, promoting a transparent and consistent approach.  
  • Externally, it is about directing our action to promote the territory and strengthen ties with everyone, in the service of a common project. 

This approach commits us to going beyond simple satisfaction: it encourages us to cultivate a common vision, where the territory becomes a space for living and sharing for the benefit of everyone. 

OTVB Eco system

Sustainable development every day

Furthermore, the structure is marked Qualité Tourisme Label et Accueil Vélo .

From objectives set in our CSR policy, a plan operational, broken down into nearly 70 actions, is monitored regularly. 

Development projects are part of a sustainable vision, the latest examples are:

  • Tourism development of the cycle path (registered trademark, “Vélo Bruche”) linked to the railway line crossing the territory
  • Assistance with the installation of Bosch EV charging stations in high-traffic locations
  • Support for a project leader for the opening of unusual & Nature tourist accommodation (Glamping): Nutchel

Initiatives already undertaken by the office

  • In 1988 Creation of “ Pleasure Trails® »
  • Since the 90s, farmers, hoteliers and restaurateurs have come together to get to know each other and promote the use of local products.
  • From 2017-18 creation of the concept of “Expériences Buissonnières®”: meeting with local know-how (experiential tourism) and marketing of day offers
  • Membership in 2022 of the network “ Sustainable Tourism Actor »: perpetuation of the commitment of the Bruche valley tourist office to work for virtuous and more humane tourism by joining this network
  • The label " Bienvenue à la Ferme "," Accueil Vélo  " or " Qualité Tourisme Label » is highlighted for certified partners in the paper editions and websites of the tourist office
  • Exchanges of experiences and support in sustainable development approaches coordinated by the tourist office in partnership with the Alsace Region.
  • Un welcome booklet for new entrants and seasonal workers at the tourist office office.
  • Marketing of a “Car-free” offer called “ Bruche to Doux» including rental of accommodation, reception at the station, rental of electrically assisted bicycles, breakfast, a hiking map, etc. 
Green landscape of the Bruche valley

Tools for entrepreneurship

The Bruche valley tourist office provides information on sustainable development awareness:

The territory's commitments

La community of communes of the Bruche valley is committed to sustainable development:

Our partners Tourism Quality Brand

Structures labeled “ Sustainable Tourism Players »

Our certified partner “ Bike home »

Municipalities labeled “ Green Station »

Municipalities labeled “ Tourist towns »

Labeled municipalities « Commune Nature »

Our certified partner “ Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant »