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La BroqueOpen Games at Boiséo aquatic centervom 02 bis 10Envie de fun et de défis sportifs pendant les vacances ?RothauPlaying with fire02/18/2025Pierre is raising his two sons alone. Louis, the younger, is doing well at school and getting on in life. Fus, the eldest, is adrift.La BroqueOpen Games at Boiséo aquatic centervom 02 bis 12Envie de fun et de défis sportifs pendant les vacances ?SchirmeckJean or Hans, wich story?02/19/2025Accompagnés de leurs parents et guidés par un médiateur, les enfants suivent les pas d’un petit garçon alsacien de leur âge, Jean, et de sa famille.SchirmeckMeeting : Eating well with our environment in mind02/20/2025Le jardin des sciences and Anouk Charlot, postdoctoral researcher in oncology at the Institut de recherche en médecine translationnelle et maladies hématiques, invite you to take part in a discussion...La BroqueOpen Games at Boiséo aquatic centervom 02 bis 14Envie de fun et de défis sportifs pendant les vacances ?RothauIn fanfare02/21/2025Thibaut is an internationally renowned conductor who travels the world.RothauA bear in the Jura02/21/2025All audiences with warning Michel and Cathy, a couple worn down by time and financial difficulties, don't really talk to each other anymore.RothauGod's Spy02/22/2025With the world on the brink of annihilation, Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer finds himself at the heart of a plot to eliminate Hitler. Can he murder one man in the hope of saving millions?SchirmeckProduction of partly recycled floral candles02/22/2025Learn how to make your own candles during a friendly workshop, while learning how to recycle your leftover candles in an autonomous approach!FoudayBal du Carnaval02/22/2025The Fouday Festival Committee invites you to its Carnival Ball. Enjoy a festive evening with the Duo Excellence! On the menu: pâté chaud, salade verte, vacherin glacé!SchirmeckSoirée Loto02/22/2025The Association Sportive Haute Bruche is organizing its annual lotto. Come along and support the association, with high value vouchers to be won, lots of prizes, a refreshment bar and snacks on site.